House of Demons is a monthly membership designed to...

  • safely connect you with the Goetic Infernals and build deep trust with the demons you are meant to work with
  • lead you to the depths of your shadows so you can feel liberated, sovereign, embodied & aligned
  • heal trauma, religious conditioning & witch wounding that is preventing you from deepening your connection to your spiritual gifts & guides
  • connect you with like-minded healers, witches & occultists so you can find your tribe on a path that is notoriously isolating


  • 1 live group demon shadow work session each month
  • monthly shadow integration exercises to help you create massive change in your life
  • monthly exercises to help you connect to your Goetic Infernal
  • quarterly rituals to connect more deeply with your demon on important astrological/energetic events
  • access to a private community
  • access to all call replays & materials
  • special discounts on select sessions, readings & programs
  • special discounts at the Underworld Queen Apothecary

The keys to the House are yours for only $66/month

Take me to the House of Demons
I'm ready to meet my demons!